Sewing Box Drawer
Hello everyone its great to be back creating my next DR Project For Faith. This time round I altered their laser cut box with slide out drawer and fashioned it into a sewing box.
I decided to use Graphic 45 " Gilded Lily " which Faith still has in stock.
I gessoed the outside and then painted it in a peachy pink colour to match the paper line, once dry I covered the top in the patterned paper from the stack, then started to embellish the lid with some wedding appliqués and old doilies as well as some resin pieces from Faiths store. I fussy cut the lady and the frame from the embellishment sheet.
Also on hand I had some old silk embroidered flowers which matched the paper wonderfully!
I lined the draw with a vintage doily and attached a metal handle to the front.
For the Inside I made a sweet sewing needle book with my favourite buttons and scissors as well as a spool of thread. I think I will add more items in time for sure.
I enjoyed this project and look forward to using it often. That's it from me this month! I hope I have inspired you a little today? Don't forget to check Faith's store for all the new lines she is getting in and I look forward to sharing my next project with you all very soon. Till then, take care and be happy.
Blessings Tracey